Selby Educational Trust has secured over £500,000 to improve the school environment at Selby Community Primary School. The Trust submitted a bid to the Department for Education in December 2018 for improvement works at the school.
Ian Clennan, Chief Executive of Selby Educational Trust commented, “This funding from the Department for Education’s Condition Improvement Fund means that the school can have brand new state of the art of boilers and all flat roofs will be replaced. The work will take place over the summer holidays and will improve the energy efficiency of the school by providing better insulated flat roofs.”
Jane Tupper, Chair of Trustees, added: “Since becoming an Academy we have been determined that Selby Community Primary should have improved buildings to stop the regular leaks and patching up works that have taken place for too long. This substantial amount of funding means that genuine improvements to the school environment can take place.”
If any governing bodies, head teachers or others would like more information about the Trust or to arrange a meeting with the team, please contact Pam Olbison on 01757 211001 or email