Role on Trust
Chief Executive
Educational and Professional Qualifications
BSc Hons with QTS, MA in Primary Education, NPQH
Suitability Statement
Ian is a highly respected Headteacher of a primary school in an area of high deprivation, credited with turning the school around. He is also a National Leader of Education.
His sharp focus on raising standards and achievement, has resulted in the school becoming highly successful, compared to 8 years ago when it was labelled one of the worst performing primary schools in the country.
Despite having a large percentage of children receiving pupil premium, outcomes have risen faster than national and show significant improvement in performance at EYFS, KS1 and KS2.
His strong focus on CPD has led to targeted support for all learners to ensure good or better progress is made, through actively working with local, regional and national trainers to ensure staff receive the best opportunities.
Headteacher of Selby Community Primary School 2 – 11 years
Ian Clennan has been a Consultant Headteacher for the last few years, mentoring new headteachers and supporting schools in difficulty. Ian has also been the Executive Headteacher of a school in special measures to bring about rapid and sustained improvement. Alongside this work, Selby Community Primary has supported a large number of schools through school to school support, using experienced staff and Advanced and Lead teachers. He is currently the Primary School Improvement Advisor for another local trust and is a member on a further academy trust board.
Ian has also line managed for the Minority Ethnic Achievement Hub for the southern part of North Yorkshire and was also the Vice Chair of an Interim Executive Board at a local secondary school which moved from ‘notice to improve’ to ‘good’.
Ian has been a member of the NYCC strategic board for Developing Stronger Families, the local Safeguarding Group and the Selby Primary Representative on Schools Forum.
Selby Community Primary School is one of 14 Pie Corbett Talk4writing Training Centres, delivering CPD and training to schools from across the UK in order to improve outcomes in writing. It is also a UNICEF Gold Award School, a Maths No Problem Training Centre and an accredited Sounds-Write Training school.