Role on Trust
Educational & Professional Qualifications
- Qualified Accountant (FCCA)
- CIM in Business & Management
Suitability Statement
Early experience on entering the workforce was with within British Coal’s Finance Department based in Doncaster rising to hold the post of Assistant Financial Accountant attached to the Organisations subsidiaries.
Following the contraction of the Coal industry Ian joined Barnsley College as Head of Finance shortly after the Further Education (FE) sector became independent of Local Authority control.
Ian went onto hold a number of senior roles in both FE and Multi Academy Trusts, gaining an extensive knowledge of both sectors and the way they operate
Following retirement from full time employment in 2020, Ian has worked in an advisory capacity with a leading public sector based Audit firm carrying out an extensive range of both Financial & Management reviews
Ian has therefore an extensive knowledge of and wide experience of the challenges facing education in both pre & post 16 settings
Involvement in numerous regional working groups concerning both Finance & Operational issues facing the education sector.
Participated in the York & North Yorkshire Common Purpose programme
Previously been a Trustee in a Single Academy Trust based in Doncaster including spells as Chair of Finance & Interim Chair