A Multi-Academy Trust is formed by local primary and secondary schools SET maintains a strong working relationship with local partners. In 2022 we became an accredited sponsor. We are pleased that the Department for Education approved our sponsor request.
Each school joining SET will seek to be transformational and strive for outstanding all round achievement and success for every child. Staff will share their expertise, high-performing educational values, knowledge and skills and inspire a culture of collaboration between primary and secondary schools within the district we serve.
The Trust is committed to providing rapid and sustained improvement within sponsored schools; building capacity within each partner to drive progress and ensure that every child is able to achieve their full potential.
SET will work with schools to build on their distinctive expertise to ensure that, whichever school, pupils attend within the partnership, they will receive a consistently high quality educational experience.
We have a set of core standards of leadership and curriculum providing consistently high standards whilst retaining the distinctive ethos of the academy school.