The Trust will establish robust Risk Assessment and Risk Management processes, based on the extensive experience of its members. This involves the production of an Annual Risk Register which is regularly monitored and updated. Below are outlined the key major risks:
Performance of schools not improving sufficiently or quick enough impacts on reputation of Trust
Strategy to Mitigate
- Prioritise school improvement, with a strong improvement model and high quality expertise in place
- Focus on embedding monitoring and tracking systems and accurate assessment to allow Trust to be fully aware of issues, and address them accordingly
- Provide training for improvement with a clear governance structure to allow them to identify issues early, and provide another layer of support and challenge
- Use the Chief Executive effectively and allow them to focus on school improvement
- Maintain links with wider school improvement networks, both national and international to ensure the Trust always benefits from best practice
Performance of schools not improving sufficiently or quick enough impacts on ability of Trust to take on more schools
Strategy to Mitigate
- As above
Numbers on roll at Trust Academies do not rise in line with expectations impacting significantly on the ability to invest in improvements and long term sustainability
Strategy to Mitigate
- Implement strong marketing and PR campaign supported by appropriate expertise
- Engage regularly from the Trust Board downwards with the local community to build confidence and trust
- Carefully monitor forecast admissions data, and manage budget and resourcing accordingly
Insufficient schools either choose to convert into the Trust or are required to be sponsored by the Trust threatening the long term viability of the Trust
Strategy to Mitigate
- Undertake a proactive campaign of information for schools to promote the role of the Trust and our offer
- Develop clear literature to promote the Trust and what it can do
- Maintain a list of ‘target’ schools and establish effective relationship management approach
- Arrange meetings with Heads of prospective schools
- Seek invitations to talk to Governing Bodies
We also have a clear assurance map and risk registers in place to support leaders at all levels to make strategic decisions around risk management.