Trustee (Director)
Role on Trust
Trustee (Director)
Educational and Professional Qualifications
Qualified teacher (University of Oxford)
Diploma in Reading Development (OU)
Diploma in Special Educational Needs (University of Nottingham)
MA (University of York)
Doctor of Philosophy (University of Leeds)
Suitability Statement
Sue has a wide range of skills developed through a long career in both schools and higher education. She has taught children from reception to 16 years old. She has also worked with teachers from all phases.
A consistent theme throughout her career has been the education of children with special educational needs
She has ample experience of leadership roles within both education and the Charity sector.
Her first employment was with Voluntary Services Overseas based in Papua New Guinea (PNG). She worked in primary schools although at that time schools were still being established so the pupils tended to be much older than in the UK primary sector. She was headteacher of two different schools.
In her final year in PNG, she was responsible for managing a newly opened conference centre funded by the World Council of Churches.
After 3.5 years with VSO, she returned to England and took up a post in a newly opened special school in Lincolnshire. She taught primary aged children. She then moved to work in a Secondary Modern school.
For one year, she was seconded to work as a visiting fellow at Bishop Grosseteste College.
After a further year in the Secondary Modern, she was appointed to open an inclusive provision in a secondary school in North Yorkshire.
Her final appointment was at the University of Leeds where she became a senior lecturer and Programme Leader for the MA Special Educational Needs. This attracted UK and international students. She also supervised a range of doctoral students and took great pride in them developing their careers.
Alongside her paid employment, Sue was active in the NASEN (formerly known as National Association of Special Educational Needs). Initially this was at a local level but she progressed to being the National President and later to the Honorary General Secretary.
Sue has been a Governor at two North Yorkshire schools.